Adhikaar’s Newsletter: January-April 2023 (Part 1)
1. Healthcare Program
This year we started supporting members with the “Groceries to Go” program—a program that covers grocery costs up to $270 a month and 50 percent off fruit purchases for qualifying families. The program is for individuals who are already enrolled in “NYC Care”, a city initiative that offers healthcare services and medicine to undocumented individuals through NYC Health and Hospital.
2. Youth: Organizing the Next Generation!
In February, we had our annual youth identity workshop in Sunnyside, Queens. Our youth members gathered to discuss intersections of identity, culture, and intergenerational gaps within our community and explored the complexity of identity as a Nepali-speaking youth in America.
Similar to all of our youth programs, this workshop was led by our youth members who planned the entire event themselves, from planning, recruitment, and community outreach to facilitating the powerful sessions.
3. Immigration: Our Fight for TPS Justice Continues!
Advocacy and Organizing
In March, Adhikaar staff from New York and two member leaders from California and the DMV area (D.C., Maryland, Virginia) attended the national Temporary Protected Status (TPS) convening in DC. Over three days, Adhikaar in coalition with partners from Communities United for Status and Protection (CUSP) and other organizations came together to strategize on TPS administrative and legislative campaigns.Our member leaders Yadav Joshi and Sudeshana Karki shared their stories, exchanged ideas, and networked with other TPS holders, and ensured that their voices were centered in all policy strategies and priorities.
As a member of the organizing team for the convening, Adhikaar team members facilitated sessions covering TPS campaigns strategy, visioning inclusive future campaigns, and designing a collective communications strategy for a powerful cross-racial alliance.
In the last quarter, we helped secure a $10,000 settlement for one of our worker members! In 2020, an Adhikaar member and restaurant worker filed a wage theft claim against their employer, and after many years of settlement negotiation with the support of our case team, justice was achieved. We honor our members for fighting for their rights and advancing a more just workplace for themselves and our broader community. Immigration case support and accompaniment is an essential part of Adhikaar’s immigration justice efforts. This quarter, we did intakes for cases that involved wage theft, labor trafficking, housing, fraud, immigration, domestic violence, and workplace discrimination.
We also organized multiple “Know Your Rights” sessions for our members on immigration issues in collaboration with the Legal Aid Society to create awareness in our community. As new immigrants who are often unaware of their rights, we recognize the crucial role education plays in empowering our community members with the tools to know, use, and shape justice.
To join our TPS campaign, youth program or support in applying or updating your health insurance, through “NYC Care”, “Groceries to Go” or the “Keep NYC Cover” program, call us at (718) 937-1117, message us on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok] or email us at
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Stay tuned for the next part of the newsletter highlighting our Nail Salon and community safety program.