नेपाललाई टिपिएस (Temporary Protected Status) को लागि पुन: नियुक्त (“रिडेजिग्नेट”) गर्न ४४ जना कँग्रेसका सदस्यहरुको बाईडन प्रशासनलाई आग्रह
हाउसको रेप्रेजेन्टेटिभ भेलास्क्वेज र सेनेटर शुमरले अगुवाई लिनुभएको पत्रमा चालिस हजार नेपाली र उनीहरुका परिवारहरुलाई अत्यावश्यक मानविय सुरक्षाको खाँचो भएको जनाईएको छ

*For English statement, scroll to the bottom of page*

वाशिङ्टन, डि.सि. – हाउसको रेप्रेजेन्टेटिभ निडिया भेलास्क्वेज (न्यू योर्क – ७) र सेनेटर चक शुमर (न्यू योर्क) को नेतृत्वमा शुक्रबार, अगस्ट २० तारिख ४४ जना कँग्रेसका सदस्यहरुले डिपार्टमेन्ट अफ होमल्यान्ड सेक्यूरिटीका सक्रेटेरी आलेक्जान्डर मायोर्कास र स्टेट डिपार्टमेन्टका सेक्रेटेरी एन्थोनी ब्लिन्कीन हरुलाई एक पत्र लेखेर नेपाललाई १८ महिनाको लागि टिपिएस (Temporary Protected Status) को लागि नविकरण र पुन: नियुक्त (“रिडेजिग्नेशन” – २०१५ पछि आएकाहरु पनि समावेश हुने) गर्न आग्रह गरेका छन्। टिपिएसले संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकामा रहेका, र सुरक्षित रुपमा आफ्नो देश फर्कन नसक्ने कागजपत्र विहिन लगायत अन्य गैर नागरिकहरुको जीवन बचाउने महत्वपूर्ण सुरक्षाहरु दिन्छ।

अधिकारको नेतृत्व द्वारा बृहत अभियानको एक हिस्सा स्वरुप हाउसका रेप्रेजेन्टेटिभहरु चु, मेङ्, ओकेजियो कोर्टेज, जयापाल, र सेनेटर भ्यान होल्लनले सह नेतृत्व लिनु भएको सो “डियर कोल्लिग्स” पत्रमा नेपालको हालको स्थितिलाई हेरेर नेपाललाई टिपिएस को लागि पुन: नियुक्त गराउन अत्यन्तै जरुरी भएको जनाईएको छ। नेपाललाई टिपिएसको लागि पुन: नियुक्त गर्न प्रशासनलाई तुरुन्त निर्णय लिन आग्रह गर्दै राष्ट्रव्यापी १०१ वटा संघ संस्थाहरुले हस्ताक्षर गरेको संस्थागत समर्थनको पत्र र देश भरिका हजारौं व्यक्तिहरुले हस्ताक्षर गरेका पेटिशन पनि सो पत्र सँगै पठाईएको छ।

करिब ९ हजार जनाको ज्यान लगेको, र दशौं हजारौंलाई घाईते बनाएर देशको राष्ट्रिय संरचनालाई नै भत्काउने ७.८ स्केलको भूकम्प पश्चातको परिस्थितिलाई नेपालीहरुले अत्यन्तै साहसका साथ सामना गरेता पनि त्यो भूकम्पको असर हामीले अझै पनि बेहोरि रहेका छौं। हाल यथावत रहेको विश्वव्यापी संक्रमण को साथै राजनैतिक अस्थिरता, र उत्तरी भारत र नेपालला झन्डै ४० लाखलाई बाडीहरुले थप बिस्थापित गर्दा नेपालले एक पछि अर्को संकटको सामना गर्नु परि रहेको छ।

अमेरिकी स्टेट डिपार्टमेन्टले जुन १६, २०२१ को मिति सम्म लागु हुने गरि कोभिड-१९ को उच्च जोखिम र राजनैतिक हिंसाको कारण नेपालमा यात्रा गर्न सबभन्दा उच्च स्तरको जोखिम रहेको सुझाव दिंदै यात्रुहरुलाई नेपाल भ्रमण नगर्न निर्देशन दिएको थियो। नेपालको हालको परिस्थिति बारे थप जानकारी पाउन यहाँ हेर्नुहोस्

हाल टिपिएसमा रहेका १० हजार भन्दा धेरै नेपालीहरुको भविष्य संघीय कानुनी मुद्दा निलसन विरुद्ध रामोस/निलसन विरुद्ध भट्टराई सम्बन्धि जारी रहेको सम्झौता प्रकृयामा निर्भर छ। शरणार्थीको दर्जा दर्ता गर्न अयोग्य रहेका, अनि आफ्नो देश फर्कन पनि जोखिमपूर्ण परिस्थितिहरु सामना गर्नु पर्नेहरुको लागि टिपिएसले लामो समय देखि सुरक्षा प्रदान गर्दै आएको छ। हालको २०१५ भन्दा अगाडि आएको हुनु पर्ने योग्यताको कारण अहिले टिपिएस पाउन नसकेका अमेरिकामा रहेका ३६ हजार भन्दा धेरै नेपालीहरुलाई अहिले नेपाल फर्कनको लागि पर्याप्त सुरक्षा छैन। यस प्रशासनले नेपाललाई टिपिएस को लागि पुन: नियुक्त गरेर महत्वपूर्ण मानवीय सुरक्षाको खाँचो भएकाहरुलाई सुरक्षा प्रदान गर्न जरुरी छ।

संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकाको कँग्रेस (तल्लो सदन) की सदस्य निडिया भेलाज्क्वेज (न्यू योर्क – ७): “गएको एक वर्षमा नेपालले कोरिनाको संक्रमण, राजनैतिक हिंसा, र वाडी-पहिरोहरुको सामना गर्नु पर्यो, जसले गर्दा देश भरि नै थुप्रै मानिसहरु विस्थापित भएका थिए। गत वर्षको यि संकटहरुको कारण अझै पनि निकै दु:खहरु भोग्नु परि रहेको हुनाले हाल अमेरिकामा बसोबास गरि रहेका, तर सन् २०१५ पछि अमेरिका आएको कारणले टिपिएस पाउन नसकेकाहरुलाई नेपाल फिर्ता जान सक्ने स्थिति छैन। यहि कारणले गर्दा सेनेटर शुमर संग मिलेर मैले डिपार्टमेन्ट अफ होमल्यान्ड सेक्रेटेरी आलेहान्ड्रो मायोर्कास र सेक्रेटेरी अफ स्टेट एन्थोनी ब्लिन्कीनलाई नेपाललाई १८ महिनाको लागि टिपिएस नविकरण गरेर पुन: नियुक्ति गर्न आग्रह गर्दै एउटा पत्र लेख्ने नेतृत्व लिएको छु। हाल सुरक्षाको खाँचो भएकाहरुलाई तत्काल सुरक्षा दिन संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका सँधै तत्पर रहन पर्छ। हजारौं नेपालीहरु अहिले आफ्नो देश फर्कन डराई रहेका छन्। टिपिएस जीवन बचाउने सुरक्षाहरु दिने एउटा मानवीय उपकरण हो, र नेपालीहरुको लागि तुरुन्त केहि गर्नको लागि बाईडन प्रशासनलाई म आग्रह गर्दछु।”

संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकाको सेनेटर र सेनेटको बहुमत पार्टीको नेता चक शुमर (न्यू योर्क): “केहि वर्ष देखि नेपाली समुदायलाई सुरक्षा दिन मैले धेरै लडाई गर्दै आएको छु। त्यसैले पनि हामीले नेपाली नागरिकहरुको “टेम्पोरेरी प्रोटेक्टेड स्टेटस” (TPS) पुन: प्रदान गरेर लम्ब्याईनु पर्छ। दुर्भाग्यवश नेपालले भूकम्प, राजनैतिक उत्पात, र मानव अधिकारको उल्लङ्घनहरु सामना गर्नु परेको छ। त्यस माथि कोभिड-१९ को संक्रमणले स्थिति झनै गम्भीर बनाएको छ। परिवारहरुलाई नछुटाउनको लागि पनि नयाँ मानिसहरुलाई टिपिएसको लागि योग्य बनाउन महत्वपूर्ण छ। हाम्रो समुदायका मानिसहरुलाई अहिलेको अवस्थामा नेपाल फर्काउनु गलत हुनेछ।”

पवित्रा खाती बेन्जामिन, कार्यकारी निर्देशक, अधिकार: “ यो हाम्रो लागि अमेरिकामा रहेका झन्डै ३७ हजार नेपाली आप्रवासीहरुलाई सुरक्षा दिने महत्वपूर्ण अवसर हो। २०१५ मा नेपालले टिपिएस पाए पछि हाल टिपिएस मा रहेका १० हजार भन्दा धेरै नेपालीहरुले स्वास्थ्य बीमा र काम गर्ने अनुमति पत्र जस्ता सुरक्षाहरुको फाईदा लिन पाई रहेका छन्। नेपाललाई टिपिएस पुन: नियुक्त गर्न प्रशासनलाई आग्रह गर्नको लागि हामीलाई समर्थन जनाउनु भएका कँग्रेसका सदस्यहरु, समर्थन पत्रमा हस्ताक्षर गरेका संघ-संस्थाहरु, र पेटिशनमा हस्ताक्षर गर्नु भएका हजारौं व्यक्तिहरु प्रति हामी आभारी छौं। अधिकारले २०१५ देखि नै टिपिएसको लागि लड्दै आएको छ, र हाम्रो समुदायको लागि यस योजनाको फाईदाहरु हामीले राम्ररी बुझेका छौं। हामी आशा गर्दछौं कि हाल टिपिएस मा रहेका १० हजार भन्दा धेरै नेपालीहरुको आउन लागेको टिपिएसको अन्तिम मितिलाई ध्यानमा राखेर बाईडन-ह्यारिस प्रशासनले हाम्रो आवाजलाई सुनेर समय मै यसको लागि केहि गर्नु हुनेछ।”

एन. ह्योल्मो, नेपाली टिपिएस वाहक र अधिकारको सदस्य भन्नुहुन्छ: “केहि महिना अगाडि मात्रै कोभिडको कारणले मेरी हजुर आमा बित्नु भयो। नेपालले सामना गर्नु परेको हरेक संकटले मेरो परिवारलाई प्रत्यक्ष असर पारेको छ। मेरो संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकामा स्थिर आवसनको व्यवस्थाको चाहना नेपाल फर्कनको डरले मात्र होईन – नेपाल फर्कने कुरा मेरो लागि अहिले अव्यवहारिक पनि छ। अमेरिकामा ६ वर्ष देखि कति दु:ख बेहोरेर आफ्नो जीवनी यहीं व्यवस्थित बनाईसके पछि मैले पीडा भोगेको, र मेरो परिवारले अहिले पनि पीडा भोगि रहेको देश फर्कन पर्ने परिस्थिति म कल्पना पनि गर्न सक्दिन।


अधिकार मानव अधिकार र समाजिक न्यायको लागि नेपाली-भाषी समुदायहरुलाई संगठित गर्ने न्यू योर्क स्थित गैर नाफा मूलक संस्था हो। हामी महिला नेतृत्व द्वारा संचालित कामदारहरुको समुदायिक केन्द्र हौं, र हामी कामदारहरुको अधिकार, ‍ आप्रवासीहरुको अधिकार, सुलभ स्वास्थ्य सेवाको पहुँच, र भाषिक न्यायमा केन्द्रित छौं। २०१५ देखि नै नेपालको टिपिएसको मामलामा हामीले नेतृत्व लिंदै आएका छौं, र हामी Temporary Status and Deferred Enforced Departure Administrative Advocacy Coalition (TPS-DED AAC) गठबन्धनको सदस्य पनि हौं। यस राष्ट्रव्यापी गठबन्धनमा टिपिएस र डि ई डी (DED) को कानुन र निति बारे गहिरो ज्ञान भएका १०० भन्दा धेरै संस्थाहरु आवद्ध छन्।

संस्थागत समर्थन पत्रमा हस्ताक्षर गरिदिनु भएकोमा निम्न संस्थाहरुलाई हार्दिक धन्यवाद:

18 Million Rising
AAFF South Region
African Communities Together
Alianza Americas
America’s Voice
American Friends Service Committee
Apna Ghar, Inc.
Asian American Federation
Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC
Asian Caribbean Exchange
Asian Counseling and Referral Service
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO
Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center
Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence
Asian Services In Action (ASIA)
Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project (ASAP)
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action – Maryland
CA Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative
Carroll Gardens Association
Catholic Charities of Dallas Immigration Legal Services
Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.
Catholic Migration Services
Center for Safety & Change
Chhaya CDC
Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC)
Church World Service
Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES)
Daya Inc.
Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries
Emerald Isle Immigration Center
Faith in Public Life
Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement
Families Belong Together
Family Action Network Movement
First Focus on Children
Florida Asian Services
Florida Asian Women Alliance
GAPIMNY—Empowering Queer & Trans Asian Pacific Islanders
Ghyalsumdo Samaj
Girija Prasad Koirala Foundation America
Gorkhali Samaj, New York
Haitian Bridge Alliance
Hispanic Federation
Hyolmo Society of America
Immigrant ARC
Immigration Hub
Jade Lew
Jubilee Immigration Advocates
Justice Action Center
Kirat Yakthung Chumlung USA
Lions Club of Queens Nepalese
Long Island Nepalese Society, New York
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
Madheshi Association in America
Make the Road New York
Maryland Against ICE Detention (MdAID)
Maryland Legislative Coalition
MinKwon Center for Community Action
Montgomery Citizens United for Prosperity (MCUP)
Mustang Kyidug USA, Inc
NASO Community USA, New York Chapter
National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse
National Domestic Workers Alliance
National Employment Law Project
National Immigrant Justice Center
National Immigration Law Center
National Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights
National TPS Alliance
Nepalese Society, Texas
Nepali Prawasi Munch
New York Immigration Coalition
North American Climate, Conservation and Environment (NACCE)
NY NJ Regional Joint Board, Workers United/SEIU
OCA South Florida Chapter
Pilipino Workers Center of Southern California
Poder Latinx
Queens Buddha Lions Club New York
Revolutionary Love Project
Rotary Club of New York
Sadhana: Coalition of Progressive Hindus
Sahayogi Haatharu – USA
Services, Immigrant Rights & Education Network (SIREN)
South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT)
South Asian Public Health Association (SAPHA)
Southeast Asian Defense Project
TakeRoot Justice
Takoma Park Mobilization – Equal Justice
Tamang Society of America Inc
Tamu Pariwar New York Inc.
Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition
The Gurung (Tamu) Society Inc., USA
The Legal Aid Society (New York)
The National Korean American Service & Education Consortium
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
United Kiratrai Organization of America New York Chapter
Win Without War
World Relief
Yemeni American Merchants Association


*Statement in English*

Letter led by Representative Velázquez and Senator Schumer outline dire need for vital humanitarian protection for upwards of 40k Nepalis and their families

WASHINGTON, D.C.—On Friday, August 20, 44 members of Congress, led by Representative Nydia Velázquez (NY – 7th) and Senator Chuck Schumer (NY), wrote to Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to urge an 18-month extension and redesignation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Nepal. TPS provides life-saving protection to noncitizens in the United States, including undocumented immigrants, who cannot be safely returned to their home country.

As part of a larger campaign led by Adhikaar, the Dear Colleagues letter (co-led by Representative Chu, Representative Meng, Representative Ocasio-Cortez, Representative Jayapal and Senator Van Hollen) outlined the dire necessity of a redesignation for Nepal given current country conditions. This letter was accompanied by a companion organizational support letter sent to the Department of Homeland Security that was signed on by 101 organizations nationally, and a petition with thousands of signatures from individuals across the country, urging for the administration’s swift decision to redesignate Nepal for TPS.

Though Nepalis have demonstrated remarkable resilience in the years after the magnitude 7.8 earthquake that killed nearly 9,000, injured tens of thousands more, and destroyed national infrastructure, the effects of the quake continue to this day. These shocks came in waves during 2020, as Nepal weathered a concurrent global pandemic, political turmoil, and further record-level flooding, which displaced nearly four million people across northern India and Nepal.

As of June 16, 2021, the U.S. State Department lists Nepal at the highest level travel advisory, instructing travelers not to travel to Nepal due to high risk of COVID-19 and political violence. Read more here on current country conditions in Nepal.

Due to ongoing litigation, the fate of the 10,000+ current Nepali TPS holders in the United States hangs on the ongoing mediation negotiations happening in relation to the federal lawsuits Ramos v Nielsen/Bhattarai v Nielsen. TPS has long served to provide a safe haven in instances where a person is not eligible for refugee status and faces precarious conditions should they return. Nepal’s current country conditions are not sufficient enough for the additional 36,000+ Nepalis living in the United States (those who can not currently apply for TPS due to the 2015 cut off date for arrival) to return safely. The administration must redesignate Nepal for TPS and extend vital humanitarian protection to those who need it.

U.S. Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez (NY-7): “In the past year Nepal has dealt with a global pandemic, political violence, and record-level flooding which has displaced a significant number of people across the country. To this day Nepal continues to struggle from the crises of last year, leaving the country in no condition to receive the nearly 37,000 Nepali people living in the United States who cannot apply for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) because they arrived after the 2015 cut-off date. This is why I led a letter with Senator Schumer urging the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to provide an 18-month extension and redesignation of TPS for Nepal. The United States needs to always be ready to offer safe haven to those that are in need and right now, thousands of Nepali people are fearful of returning to their home country. TPS is a crucial humanitarian tool that can offer life-saving protection, and I urge the Biden Administration to take swift action for the Nepali people.”

U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (NY) and Senate Majority Leader: “Over the years I have fought hard to protect the Nepalese community, which is why we need to extend and redesignate Temporary Protected Status for Nepali Nationals. Nepal has unfortunately suffered from earthquakes, political turmoil, and human rights violations, with the COVID-19 pandemic only making conditions worse. Extending TPS to new recipients is also essential to prevent family separation. To send members of our community back to Nepal right now would be wrong.”

Pabitra Khati Benjamin, Executive Director at Adhikaar: “This is an important opportunity for us to protect almost 37,000 Nepali immigrants in the US. TPS has been a lifesaver for the 10,000+ existing Nepali TPS holders since Nepal was designated in 2015 – providing protections and benefits like health insurance and work authorization. We are grateful for the members of Congress that expressed their support to the administration for Nepal TPS, the organizations that signed the support letter, and the thousands of individuals who signed our petition. Adhikaar has been fighting for TPS since 2015 and we’ve seen first hand the overwhelming community benefits for the program. We hope that the Biden-Harris administration will hear our collective ask and respond in a timely manner given the pending deadline for more than 10,000 current Nepali TPS holders.”

N. Hyolmo, Nepali TPS holder & Adhikaar member stated: “My grandmother passed away [in June] due to COVID. My family has been directly impacted by every major catastrophe Nepal continues to face. The urge to be able to have a stable residency in the U.S. is not only about the fear of returning to Nepal – it is about the impracticability of such a move. I simply cannot imagine, after having struggled hard for six years to establish myself in the U.S., having to return to a country where I had suffered so much, and my family continues to suffer.”


Adhikaar (Nepali: rights) is a New York based non-profit, organizing the Nepali-speaking community to promote human rights and social justice for all. We are a women-led workers’ center and community center focused on workers’ rights, immigration rights, access to affordable healthcare and language justice. Adhikaar has been leading the national campaign for Nepal TPS since 2015 and is a steering committee member of the Temporary Status and Deferred Enforced Departure Administrative Advocacy Coalition (TPS-DED AAC), which is a national coalition of more than 100 organizations with deep expertise in law and policy surrounding TPS and DED.

Thank you to the following organizations who signed the organizational support letter:

18 Million Rising
AAFF South Region
African Communities Together
Alianza Americas
America’s Voice
American Friends Service Committee
Apna Ghar, Inc.
Asian American Federation
Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC
Asian Caribbean Exchange
Asian Counseling and Referral Service
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO
Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center
Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence
Asian Services In Action (ASIA)
Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project (ASAP)
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action – Maryland
CA Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative
Carroll Gardens Association
Catholic Charities of Dallas Immigration Legal Services
Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.
Catholic Migration Services
Center for Safety & Change
Chhaya CDC
Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC)
Church World Service
Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES)
Daya Inc.
Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries
Emerald Isle Immigration Center
Faith in Public Life
Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement
Families Belong Together
Family Action Network Movement
First Focus on Children
Florida Asian Services
Florida Asian Women Alliance
GAPIMNY—Empowering Queer & Trans Asian Pacific Islanders
Ghyalsumdo Samaj
Girija Prasad Koirala Foundation America
Gorkhali Samaj, New York
Haitian Bridge Alliance
Hispanic Federation
Hyolmo Society of America
Immigrant ARC
Immigration Hub
Jade Lew
Jubilee Immigration Advocates
Justice Action Center
Kirat Yakthung Chumlung USA
Lions Club of Queens Nepalese
Long Island Nepalese Society, New York
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
Madheshi Association in America
Make the Road New York
Maryland Against ICE Detention (MdAID)
Maryland Legislative Coalition
MinKwon Center for Community Action
Montgomery Citizens United for Prosperity (MCUP)
Mustang Kyidug USA, Inc
NASO Community USA, New York Chapter
National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse
National Domestic Workers Alliance
National Employment Law Project
National Immigrant Justice Center
National Immigration Law Center
National Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights
National TPS Alliance
Nepalese Society, Texas
Nepali Prawasi Munch
New York Immigration Coalition
North American Climate, Conservation and Environment (NACCE)
NY NJ Regional Joint Board, Workers United/SEIU
OCA South Florida Chapter
Pilipino Workers Center of Southern California
Poder Latinx
Queens Buddha Lions Club New York
Revolutionary Love Project
Rotary Club of New York
Sadhana: Coalition of Progressive Hindus
Sahayogi Haatharu – USA
Services, Immigrant Rights & Education Network (SIREN)
South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT)
South Asian Public Health Association (SAPHA)
Southeast Asian Defense Project
TakeRoot Justice
Takoma Park Mobilization – Equal Justice
Tamang Society of America Inc
Tamu Pariwar New York Inc.
Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition
The Gurung (Tamu) Society Inc., USA
The Legal Aid Society (New York)
The National Korean American Service & Education Consortium
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
United Kiratrai Organization of America New York Chapter
Win Without War
World Relief
Yemeni American Merchants Association